Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Everyone wants it, but not everyone will have it.

Everyone wants something good, but not everyone will have it. Everyone wants to become comfortable, financially, but not everyone will have it. Everyone wants to be well and healthy, but not everyone will have it. Our realities are almost always different from our desires. Everyone wants to stay healthy and feel strong, but not everyone will have it. I am sure that there are things that you have desired for yourself but you have never been able to achieve. The question is, why?

Decision: it’s not enough to want something good, you must make the decision to go for it. NOTHING JUST HAPPENS! If you want healthy relationships, it won’t just happen. If you want a healthy body, it won’t just happen. If you want to be rich and comfortable financially, it won’t just happen. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN and that begins with making a quality decision. You have to have a healthy discontent for where you are now and what you have and choose to make a change.

Price: if want to make something good happen, what will it cost you? To make any change, to fulfill any desire, you must be willing to give up something. If someone has cancer, and he wants to get rid of it, it’s going to come at a cost. If you want to prevent cancer, it’s going to come at a cost. Staying healthy is costly! Getting rid of sickness is costlier!! I hate being sick, and I believe it’s better to pay the price to stay healthy than to pay the price to fight sickness. Whichever one you choose, it will cost you something.  

Discipline: realising your desires will require some strong hand. You have to be
disciplined. You will have to shed some negative attitudes and habits, and develop new ones. Discipline is that thing that will make you start one thing and keep at it until you finish it. Discipline is that thing that will make you to keep doing what you should be doing regardless of how you feel or don’t feel.
If you’re going to become a better person, it won’t just happen. You have to make it happen. Make up your mind, count the cost and resolve to pay that price, and stick with the plan until you have achieved that goal of a better person.

If you’re going to stay healthy, it won’t just happen. You have to make it happen. It will cost you some money. You will have to make some tough decisions to stop doing some unhealthy things and start doing some healthy things.
This is to a better you and a healthier you. Make that decision, and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

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