Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How much weight are you going to lose this summer?

If you are thinking of shedding some weight, giving your body a new look and giving yourself a new feel, this post is for you. 

One, it's not just enough to shed some excess weight, YOU MUST KEEP IT OFF. This will require that you put off some old habits (habits that have been contributing to increase in your body weight) and develop some new habit (habits that will contribute to losing excess weight and maintaining the ideal weight that you desire). 

Two, in order to lose weight, you will have to make some adjustments in what you eat, and WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU HAVE EATEN (by that, I mean exercise). If you are eating a lot of high calorie food and you are not burning the calorie, the excess will be stored up in your body and this will result in weight gain. 

Third, START WITH THE END IN MIND. That is why I ask the question, HOW  MUCH WEIGHT DO YOU WANT TO LOSE?

Fourth, cleanse your system. Cleanse your digestive system and get rid of all the debris lining your intestine, preventing the adequate absorption of the nutrients that you need. To achieve this, you a need good product such as Aloe Vera gel. Once you've cleansed your digestive system, keep it clean so your body can stay nourished during the course of the weight loss program. Next minimize your intake of high calorie food products and take food that are rich in nutrients. Drink more water and schedule time to exercise regularly. 

There is an outstanding weight loss program packaged by Forever Living Products that will help you achieve your ideal weight. The program offers you a pack of products and guide and advice on a new diet and exercise regime that will help you until you achieve your desired weight. It is called the Clean 9 program. If you'd like to learn more about this or you want to start shedding that excess weight now, contact me and let's talk...

to a healthier you... 
enjoy your summer.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How aloe vera gel can help contribute to weight loss

Are you thinking of shedding the excess weight? 
Would you like to burn some extra fat and achieve a desired body weight and body mass index, then this is for you. 
Weight loss is based on two principles: increased consumption of energy, and decrease in the conversion of carbohydrates and proteins to fat that can be stored. The more your body consumes energy, the further your weight drops. This is why exercise can help significantly in weight loss. Any weight loss programme that does not involve regular exercise will not achieve a sustainable result. There are dieting habits that will also complement increased consumption of energy. Here are some important ways by which regular intake of aloe vera gel can aid weight loss 
1)    Aloe vera gel will help to cleans out your colon and get rid of toxic residue. It aids the
removal of decayed products and fecal matter. This will improve energy level and aid efficient absorption of nutrients that the body cells require; nutrients from the food that you eat, as well as the aloe vera gel itself.

2)    Aloe vera gel will increase the metabolic rate of the body, leading to increased calorie burn. As more energy is being consumed, the fat within your body is broken down used by the body cells. This will lead to further reduction in weight 

3)    Aloe vera gel contains high amounts of a protein called collagen. Assimilating the collagen protein will require lots of energy, and the collagen also supports muscle development, leading to further consumption of energy. 

    4)    Aloe vera gel is has laxative properties and as such it aids bowel movement. This leads to food being moved out of the colon faster and hence less energy is absorbed from the food that you eat. 

    5)    Aloe vera gel regulates the cholesterol level of the body 

    6)    In addition to aiding in weight loss, aloe vera gel keeps the skin cells nourished so that your skin does not look flabby as you shed the excess fat. 

Forever Living Products, one of the leading nutritional companies in the world has an excellent weight loss package that involves using Aloe Vera Gel as a primary support drink to facilitate achieving your desired body weight. If you'd like more information, contact me now.
Get rid of that excess fat, feel good, feel great, GET MORE ENERGY. YOU DESERVE IT!!!

Everyone wants it, but not everyone will have it.

Everyone wants something good, but not everyone will have it. Everyone wants to become comfortable, financially, but not everyone will have it. Everyone wants to be well and healthy, but not everyone will have it. Our realities are almost always different from our desires. Everyone wants to stay healthy and feel strong, but not everyone will have it. I am sure that there are things that you have desired for yourself but you have never been able to achieve. The question is, why?

Decision: it’s not enough to want something good, you must make the decision to go for it. NOTHING JUST HAPPENS! If you want healthy relationships, it won’t just happen. If you want a healthy body, it won’t just happen. If you want to be rich and comfortable financially, it won’t just happen. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN and that begins with making a quality decision. You have to have a healthy discontent for where you are now and what you have and choose to make a change.

Price: if want to make something good happen, what will it cost you? To make any change, to fulfill any desire, you must be willing to give up something. If someone has cancer, and he wants to get rid of it, it’s going to come at a cost. If you want to prevent cancer, it’s going to come at a cost. Staying healthy is costly! Getting rid of sickness is costlier!! I hate being sick, and I believe it’s better to pay the price to stay healthy than to pay the price to fight sickness. Whichever one you choose, it will cost you something.  

Discipline: realising your desires will require some strong hand. You have to be
disciplined. You will have to shed some negative attitudes and habits, and develop new ones. Discipline is that thing that will make you start one thing and keep at it until you finish it. Discipline is that thing that will make you to keep doing what you should be doing regardless of how you feel or don’t feel.
If you’re going to become a better person, it won’t just happen. You have to make it happen. Make up your mind, count the cost and resolve to pay that price, and stick with the plan until you have achieved that goal of a better person.

If you’re going to stay healthy, it won’t just happen. You have to make it happen. It will cost you some money. You will have to make some tough decisions to stop doing some unhealthy things and start doing some healthy things.
This is to a better you and a healthier you. Make that decision, and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How aloe vera cleanses your system

Watch this brief clip to see how Aloe Vera cleanses your colon and helps enhance your health and wellness.

You are what you eat

The composition and structure of your body is determined by what you eat. The nutrients present in the food you eat are broken down and they are used in building up and maintaining your body cells and tissues. If you indulge in eating junk food, your body cells will consist of 'junk chemicals'. 

These 'junk chemicals' includes substances that contribute to aging, reduced immunity, increased risk to infection and degenerative diseases like cancer, cardiovascular disease (stroke and heart failure), arthritis, and so on. In addition to increasing the build up of toxic chemicals in your body, these 'junk chemicals' will also overload your liver. It is best you cut down your consumption of junk food and increase the consumption of 'living foods' such as fruits and vegetables. Some people call these 'junk food' 'fast food' because they save time. It's not about getting your stomach filled up that matters, the question is this: what are you filling your stomach up with? 
Secondly, take time out to detoxify your system. Put yourself on a programme that helps to flush your digestive system and liver of as many toxic chemicals as possible.
The process of detoxifying is based on this principle: toxins are removed from the body during perspiration, passing feces, exhalation and urination. So, the more you do these things the more you get rid of toxins within your system. Health products that cause these things to happen will help in detoxifying your body (note that there are lots of products on market today that prevent these things: they are dangerous to your health and well being)
  • Drink lots of water. Drinking lots of water helps you urinate more and so helps you to get rid of more toxins 
  • Exercise regularly. Exercising will get you to sweat and exhale more, and so, help rid your body of more toxins. 
  • Have a sauna bath once in a while. This will make you sweat and help get rid of more toxins 
  • Increase your fiber intake. This will facilitate bowel movement and prevent the accumulation of feces within your colon
Some of the high quality products from Forever Living Products that will help you in detoxifying your system and keeping the level of toxins in your system low include:
  • Aloe Vera gel, 
  • Argi plus,  
  • Fields of Greens, 
  • Forever Garlic Thyme and 
  • Forever Garcinia plus. 

Forever Living products has a classical detox program that will help you to cleanse your system of toxins (including toxins within the fatty tissue of the skin and other body parts), and help achieve your ideal and desired body weight within days; it's called the Clean 9 package.
If you'd like to know more about the program, please contact me... 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 benefits of drinking aloe Vera gel

Your digestive system
Aloe Vera gel keeps your digestive tract healthy so that the food that you eat can be absorbed into the bloodstream. It helps you to get the nutrients out of the food that you eat. Aloe Vera gel also promotes bowel movement and ensures efficient transit of bowel content so that you can pass stool easily. Aloe Vera gel also regulates bacteria and yeast that inhabit your intestines, so that your intestine does not become overpopulated. 

Your immune system
Aloe vera gel contains a substance that promotes immunity and enhances your ability to fight infections. People who drink aloe vera regularly resist infections better. They don’t fall sick frequently. 

Your circulatory system
Aloe vera gel is a rich souce of minerals like calcium, sodium, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, copper and zink. These minerals nourish your heart and blood vessels and they help your body to function well and remain healthy. Aloe vera is also rich in vitamins; vitamins A, B, C and E. 

Your joints
Aloe vera gel contains chemical such as salicylic acid and plant sterols that soothe the muscles and help maintain healthy joints and mobility and flexibility. People who drink aloe vera regularly are able to keep their bones, joints and muscles well nourished and healthy 

Your skin
Aloe vera gel increases the activities of fibroblast, cells responsible for producing collagen and elastin that makes your skin strong, plump and elastic. The more you drink aloe vera gel, the stronger and fresher your skin looks. Aloe vera gel provides essential nutrition to feed the basal cells of the skin. 

How healthy is your Digestive System

A healthy digestive system indicates that the food you eat will supply your body with every nutrient contained in that food. 

Food is designed to give you two things: energy and nutrients. You will always get the energy; but will you always get the nutrients? Most of the time, the way we combine different food types, the timing of our meals, and the health of our digestive system affects the our ability to absorb nutrients efficiently.  

A healthy digestive system will adequately break down you food into nutrients, and it will absorb the nutrients. If your body cannot absorb the nutrients, it will result in various kinds of health challenges ranging from skin problems, to big things such as colon cancer. 

I want to encourage you to do all you can to maintain a healthy digestive system. The most important thing you can do to achieve that is to DRINK ADEQUATE AMOUNT OF WATER REGULARLY - this is 6 - 8 glasses of water EVERYDAY. This may seem a little challenging, but start small, then increase it gradually. Over time, your body will get used to it and you will see the rich benefits. 

Secondly, make sure your diet is rich in fibre (it aids bowel movement). 

Take nutrional supplements and drinks that promote bowel health. Top on my list is Aloe Vera Gel, by Forever Living Products (one of the leading Nutritional Companies in the wold). 

There are some other products by Forever Living Products that are also good for promoting healthy digestive system: Forever Nature Min, Fields of Green and Forever Active Probiotic. 

Thanks for your time... Stay healthy and stay strong. (Learn more about 5 benefits of drinking Aloe Veragel)