Monday, May 6, 2013

What is your approach to health?


When it comes to healthy living, there are two approaches: one approach says that ‘wait until you are sick until you start taking care of your body...’ The other approach says, ‘take care of your body so that you don’t fall sick’. Many people follow the first approach and it costs a lot – a whole lot.

One of the things I’ve decided to do is to encourage as many people as I can to switch to the second approach. It may seem expensive, but on the long run, it’s cheaper, and far better. 

Taking care of your body so that it doesn’t fall sick does not necessarily mean that you will never fall sick; it just means that falling sick will be less frequent, duration of sickness will be shorter, and the side effects will be less agonizing. 
There’s a quote I love so much that explains this concept: ‘when you give your body what it needs, it will keep itself healthy. When you keep your body free from what it does not need, it will keep itself healthy’ 
I’d like you to join the team of people who are consciously living out by this principle. Watch what you put into your mouth. make sure that you’re not just eating something because it satisfies the cravings of your taste buds. Watch what you rub on your skin, be sure that you’re putting things on your skin that will not accumulate in your body and cause disease later in life.

That’s what this business of mine is all about. It’s going to be educational and insightful. Be free to question any point I make and any suggestions I give. Also, be willing to try any tip I suggest and use any product I recommend (actually, an integral aspect of the business is to introduce you to some product that I believe will be of good benefit to you in your quest to improve and maintain a healthy you).  
Let’s learn together. Feel free to share this blog article with your friends and colleagues. You might be helping someone to live longer and better...

Thanks for taking the time out to read this ‘long’ epistle. I hope the next one won’t be this long.

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